
Friday, October 11, 2013

Great Project by Jay Hynes - "Grandmas Rock"

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I found this unique photo project by photographer Jay Hynes on "Lost at E Minor," one of my regular look-to sites for creative ideas.
(Click Here) to see more photos of grandmas in rock & roll t-shirts.
(Click Here) to go to Jay Hyne's website.
I think this is a great show of creativity. We are now in the era where some grandmas were likely actually at some of the shows whose tours are commemorated on the shirts they're wearing.
I lost my grandmas a few years back, having been fortunate to know them both well into my own adulthood. Neither would have likely worn an AC/DC t-shirt, except maybe long enough to let me take their picture. But now, my mom's a grandma her self. I have no problem at all imagining her in a Grateful Dead t-shirt. Maybe she didn't go to the shows, but she sure put up with a bunch of us kids before and after we did.

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