
Saturday, October 26, 2013

One Camera (Leica M Monochrom), One Lens (28mm Summicron) in Tokyo, by Dave Powell

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Dave Powell of the photo blog "Shoot Tokyo" has posted some images and notes on the experience of using a single lens and camera, narrowing the options so that he can focus on composition and light.

In this case, Dave chose the Leica M Monochrom and Leica Summicron 28mm f2, a lens I've written about before.

(Click Here) to read my experience of borrowing a 28mm Summicron at an LHSA event. In my case, I shot with color film and my M4-2 body. I found this lens to be quite impressive.

(Click Here) to read the original post and see more pics on Shoot Tokyo.

I don't see any amazing or once-in-a-lifetime shots in this post, but I do get the feeling of walking around in Tokyo, probably my favorite city in the whole world. That's a tough call, actually, because San Francisco and New York City have their positive points. But, overall, Tokyo really does it for me.

Dave emphasizes concepts that resonate with me - single lens excursions, shooting every day. I tried to arrange to meet up with him the last time I was in Tokyo, but he was in Boston at the time. Talk about reversals. I'll try again next time, as I'm sure we'd have plenty to talk about.


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