
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Result - September's Skeletons From The Closet Camera, the Nikomat FTn

Paths, by Reed A. George
Nikomat FTn, Nikkor 80-200mm f4 AIS Manual Focus Lens
Kodak Tmax 400 Film
This month, I've been shooting my gorgeous example of a black Nikomat FTn.
(Click Here) to read about the camera.
I took the Nikomat, and a recently-acquired 80-200mm f4 AIS lens, out for a walk at my local suburban "nature walk," a boardwalk over some small but nice wetlands in my neighborhood. The water level is very low right now. Home to lots of turtles, including some very large alligator snappers, the pond is the lowest I've ever seen it. In fact, you can see the back and head of a large turtle in the shot above, about in the exact center of the image, where the paths converge.
The 80-400 f4 AIS is an interesting lens. I bought it with an F2 body that was my main interest. When I heard about the lens over the phone, I wasn't interested. When I saw and handled it, I decided to give it a try.
Interestingly, Nikon has recently come out with a 70-200mm f4 AF-S ED VR lens, for a full $1,000 less than the venerable f2.8 version.
(Click Here) to read about the new AF-S 70-200m f4.
Of course, my old AIS lens is in a completely different league, but so far I'm pretty impressed. And, it cost me well over 10X less than the AF version would.

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