
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Quotes, Thoughts on Photography

"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst."
Henri Cartier Bresson
I've been feeling a little low on inspiration lately. Maybe it's the winter coming on.
Anyway, when I feel this way, one thing I like to do is refer back to photographs by the masters. Today, I looked for quotes instead of pictures.
(Click Here) for 70 inspirational quotes on PetaPixel.
I chose the HCB quote above, since I have recently realized how many near-misses and just plain useless images I'm storing on my hard drives. I try to be careful in my shooting, rather than essentially taking videos and picking frames later on. That said, I need to be ever more careful. It's all worth it when I get a shot I love. But, being careful and taking fewer pictures actually leads to more keepers, at least for me.

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