
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Another Person Who Appreciates the Zeiss ZM Sonnar 50mm f1.5 Lens

by Reed A. George
The Zeiss Sonnar 50mm f1.5 lens engenders a lot of debate in the photo community. Acknowledged by Carl Zeiss as an updated build of a classic Sonnar design, it does not have all the technical performance of say a modern Leica Summilux. It does have character. I own both lenses, and love them both. But, the Sonnar has more character than the Summilux. If I want near perfection, I use the Summilux. If I'm willing to take a chance and maybe make something more unique, I use the Sonnar.
(Click Here) to read an account of using the Sonnar on the blog DearSusan. I think it's nicely done.
Thanks to my friend Bill for alerting me to the DearSusan blog!

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