
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Freaky Dolls at The Gilded Flea

My friend Dwayne Brooke, guitarist and creative genius, owns a fun antique shop in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, called The Gilded Flea. (Click Here) to check them out.
I recently stopped in, while my Mom was in town. Of course, Mom found some treasures. But what intrigued me were these two uber-creepy dolls.
Cracked, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor Pre-AI 55mm f1.2 Lens
iso 400, f1.2, 1/60 sec.
Mom tells me the doll below has "sleep eyes." I'd say it looks more like out of body experience or possessed eyes, but that's just me.
Sleep Eyes, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor Pre-AI 55mm f1.2 Lens
iso 400, f1.2, 1/60 sec.

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