
Friday, March 30, 2012

Panasonic DMC-G3 in Alaska, and Some Information on jpeg Settings

pjohngren's Alaska jpegs from DMC-G3
Mu-43 Member pjohngren's Image From Alaska
Image Source:

I was attracted to this post on because, as you probably have noticed, I like to travel vicariously through other Lumix users' photographs. I have never been to Alaska, and the images in this post give me a feel for the place.

(Click Here) to see the full post.

Once I saw the pictures, I wanted to know more about pjohngren's settings, which turned out to be really interesting. He shoots jpegs, instead of raw. Here is a quick summary of the settings he used in this case, and uses most of the time:

"... I actually leave it on Vivid all the time, but have the contrast at -1, the sharpening at +2, the saturation at 0, and the noise reduction at -2. Both Intellignt Resolution and Intelligent Dynamic on high all the time. Both do fine and a conservative and don't ever cause problems."

I find this very interesting. I always shoot in raw+jpeg, so that I can have the most flexibility in editing later on. However, I really don't like spending time editing on the computer, so would like to have great jpeg settings, to avoid editing altogether in at least some cases.

I have to admit that I have accidentally shot only jpeg images a couple of times, and found that the DMC-G3 jpeg processing, even at default settings, is wonderful. So, I will definitely give these settings a try. In fact, I will put these settings into both of my G3s as one of the custom settings.

Update: I tried these settings, and am not at all pleased with them. The saturation in Vivid is terrible for people pictures in my opinion. I have tried bringing saturation down to -1, and it helps. But, I think I'm going to end up concluding that iResolution and iDynamic should not be maxed out. So, my conclusion is that these are not the best settings for me. Your results may vary.

The ideal for me will be to have good enough jpeg settings to avoid editing most images at all, yet still have the raw files to do it well on the rare occasions that editing is necessary.

I am traveling to Japan in about a week. On these trips, I always shoot a lot of images (thousands), and have to deal with the editing load when I turn. Hopefully this will reduce editing to only a small number of images.


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