
Monday, April 16, 2012

Dave Martinez's Micro 4/3 "Trinity" Travel Kit - What's In Your Bag?

Some of us don't want to look like this when we travel with our photography gear. Heaven knows I've injured my back with Nikon DSLR kit, especially when I had a carrying-age child with me. Things are better now - she's independently mobile, and I have Micro 4/3 gear!
Image Source:

Fellow blogger Dave Martinez writes that his normal travel kit is now a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix 7-14mm f4 (wish I had one of those), Lumix 20mm f1.7, and Olympus 45mm f1.8 (another great lens I don't have). This covers a huge range of focal lengths, and makes for an amazingly small carry-on bag.

(Click Here) to read Dave's post.

I wrote last week about what I recently carried on an overseas trip.

(Click Here) to see that post.

I tend to like fast prime lenses, so my normal travel kit is now two DMC-G3s, Lumix 14mm f2.5, Pana-Leica 25mm f1.4 Summilux, and Pana-Leica 45mm f2.8 Macro-Elmarit. The Oly 45mm is faster (2x more light gathering capability than the Pana-Leica), but the Pana-Leica has macro capability. I find I use that quite often on travel. I also typically throw in the Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.8 zoom, just because it covers so much ground in a single lens. And sometimes, I want more reach than the 45mm offers. Having a second body really adds very little weight, and provides a back-up in case of camera problems. It is also nice to have a wide or normal lens on one, tele on the other, minimizing the need to change lenses in the moment. This whole kit, two bodies and four lenses, fits easily in a padded messenger bag, which even has room for filters and other accessories. Pretty nice. Of course, a tripod is extra.

If I want to save a little space, I may use the Lumix 20mm f1.7 instead of the Summilux. Both lenses are great, in my opinion.

See below for links to the messenger bag and padded liner that I prefer. They fit together perfectly, even though they're provided by different manufacturerers.

My next decision is whether or not to carry a flash.

Anyone else have a favorite travel kit? Share what's in your bag!


  1. Reed,

    couldn't find link in today's post:

    See below for links to the messenger bag and padded liner that I prefer. They fit together perfectly, even though they're provided by different manufacturerers.

  2. when travelling i pack a dome f3 bag with a gf-1, a gf-2, along with those two bodies i take a lumix 20mm f.7, lumix 45-200mm, an olympus 14-54mm f2.8-3.5 II, a giotto q-ball, several sd cards, a moleskin notebook with pen, lens cloths, spare batteries for the cameras, and sometimes, an olympus rc-35 with two rolls of film. i can also hook a benro tripod to the bag.

    here is an idea of what goes in the bag

  3. I love to have 2 G3s... seems perfect for seamless operations during shoots. But I envy more those 2 Pana-Leica's you have, cheers Reed!

  4. Thanks for the comments, all!

    Rick - the links are the Amazon links at the bottom of the page. One's for the LowePro Exchange Messenger Bag, the other the Mountainsmith Kit Cube padded liner.

    Adam - thanks for the info and link! How do you like the Oly 14-54? I've been waiting for a Lumix f2.8 zoom...

    Dave - thanks for the complement. I still worry that I'm carrying too much with me. And, the 20mm f1.7 and Oly 45mm f1.8 are significantly smaller, with great image quality. But, I do love the Pana-Leica images.

    1. the oly 14-54 for me is an excellent lens. because its contrast detect, the focusing is pretty speedy, though you're limited to afc and manual focus. despite it being fairly bulky and heavier than any m43 lens its is the go-to take everywhere lens, save for those times when i have to put the camera in my pocket, then its the 20mm.

      i'm also looking forward to the lumix f2.8 zoom, but i'm hoping it will be priced sensibly and readily available for purchase.
