
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jared Soares - Virginia Photographer Documents Local Music Scene

Poe Mack lays down
Rapper Poe Mack in His Hotel Room, by Jared Soares
Image Source:
As you probably know by now, I have a few ongoing photography projects that I am putting a lot of effort into. One of the most exciting for me is photographing the local DC/Virginia/West Virginia Bluegrass, Roots, and Gypsy Jazz scene. There are several really great bands, covering experience levels from young people barely out of high school (and maybe some still in school) to seasoned professionals, many with significant studio experience.

Because of my own music project, I was happy to find a story on the New York Time's Lens blog about Jared Soares (, a young photographer who decided to document his own local music, in this case Rap performers around Roanoke, Virginia.

(Click Here) to read Jared's story on the New York Time's Lens blog.

Jared's story sounds similar to mine. He describes how the musicians were skeptical at first, wondering about his true motives. As they found that he was a true music lover, and wanted to make his own form of art related to the local music scene, he was increasingly welcomed to photograph them. To use Jared's words, he says:

"We're both trying to say something."

Mr. Soares' photographs will be shown at an upcoming exhibit in Charlottesville, VA.

(Click Here) to get information on the exhibit.

I am still working on improving my own chops at photographing in small, poorly-lit clubs and coffee shops, as well as the professionally-lit bigger venues. I am also enjoying the process of getting to know some of the musicians, who are without exception good people.

Jared has succeeded in documenting not just the performances, but behind the scenes life for the musicians. I aspire to add more of a personal connection with the musicians to my own work. This will come with time and trust between the musicians and I.


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