
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Free Again! Chapter Two of My eBook for How To Set Up Your DMC-G3 Is Now Available For Download

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My second ebook chapter on how I set up and use my Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3 is now available.

This one took a long while to write. In Chapter Two, I go through all of my settings in the Recording, Custom, Setup and Playback menus. These are the settings that most affect my daily shooting.

(Click Here) to download Chapter Two in Adobe pdf format.

Again, if you appreciate this document, drop me a comment, tell your friends, purchase your Amazon items by clicking through from this blog, etc. Any support is always appreciated.

Most importantly, if you see any mistakes, let me know!

My plan is to follow up these initial two chapters with some information about custom settings, and some real applications with the camera. Chapter Two is purely focused on menu settings, which I am glad to be through, to be honest.

I hope you find this useful. Let me know!



  1. I'm looking forward to see if you have problems like I do with accidentally hitting buttons and changing settings ... and how you minimize the problem.

  2. While I certainly understand the problem you mention, it isn't such a common one for me. I don't have giant hands, but they're not tiny, either. My biggest issue is trying to find the function button #1 with the camera to my eye. I have read of others putting a small circle of self-adhesive foam on it, to raise the profile, making it easier to find.

    One of my friends does have the problem of inadvertently hitting buttons with his G1, even more so with the smaller LX5. I don't know of a solution. Maybe someone else out there can suggest something?

  3. Thank you for the ebook chapters. I am in the UK, be interesting to see how far your book travels. I cannot get to grips with the G3 manual my attention span these days is on a par with a 3 year olds in fact they can probably get more out of that manual than I can. I have the LCD closed for shooting I need to keep everything simple in fact having written this I might as well give up.
    Off to print and read your missive now to see if it helps.

  4. Hi Frank,

    I sure hope it is helfpul! Please let me know how it turns out for you.


    1. I have read it and found it very informative just one thing using Fn1 for AE lock how on earth do you manage to hold it in whilst focusing with the half pressed shutter, the button is so difficult to find let alone operate, is there a way to use Fn2 as AE lock and Fn1 for QM?
      I am also interested how you use AE lock and AF lock, do you locate the area you want to lock exposure on then hold down Fn1 and then locate the focus area and hold down half shutter and then re-compose. I have not up to now locked exposure just using exposure compensation to adjust exposure to suit the whole scene.

  5. thank for the info on the lumix dmc g3 camera. I guess I was not the only one having problems.

  6. You are most welcome.


  7. Thanks for this. Just been through Ch 1. Some useful tips but nothing new to me really. Hopefully Ch 2 will be of more use to me. Thanks for your time
