
Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Love Nice People - the Simplest of Connections

Enjoying Farragut Park, by Reed A. George
Enjoying Farragut Park in DC, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix 25mm f1.4 Summilux
iso160, f5.6, 1/125 sec

I am constantly challenging myself to overcome any resistance to ask people for permission to photograph them. On a recent evening trip into Washington, DC, I noticed the beautiful backlight from the setting sun lending to the already attractive profile of this young lady.

Our entire interchange went like this:

"Excuse me. I'm an amateur photographer, and I was wondering if I could take your picture. The light is just perfect."


Click click click (this is the third exposure - the first two featured a trash can at the right, and terrible flare). I used Aperture priority mode, with exposure set to +1 f-stop, to compensate for the strong backlight.

"Thank you so much!"


Perfect. I think I was minimally invasive to her evening, got a shot that I personally really enjoy, and we both made a tiny connection with a complete stranger. Nice people are, well, nice.


1 comment:

  1. Great! The hardest part is asking, once you are ready for rejection, you just keep on asking. Very nice one.
