
Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.8 Super Zoom - User Reports

Panasonic Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.8 Zoom Lens
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Recently on, user Z-man posted an inquiry about practical impressions of the Panasonic Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.7 zoom lens.
(Click Here) to see the post and numerous informed replies.
I have this lens, and offered this feedback:
I find the 14-140 useful, with some limitations.I used to have the 14-45 kit lens and the 45-200, both quite nice for what they are. I should say here that I found the 45-200 to be a step better in my hands than either the 14-45 or 14-140. It was tough to give up, until the 100-300 showed up.I prefer to shoot primes most of the time. However, when I travel, I usually want a lens that I can be sure will cover most circumstances, especially when I'm with family or friends who aren't primarily photographers. That is my most common use of the lens. I agree that it doesn't gather much light, so that's the biggest limitation there.My other big use is for a telephoto for travel. Sometimes the Pana-Leica 45mm Macro-Elmarit just doesn't have enough reach. The 14-140 works well in that situation as well. It is not the sharpest lens at the extreme long end, but sure isn't bad. For me, the 100-300 is a specialty lens, one that comes in handy for birds and nature, especially. I don't carry it on travel very often.So, in summary, I find the 14-140 is in my bag quite often. Second only to my primes.
I also forgot to mention that the Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) works very well in my experience, though I have heard opinions that differ. Also, this lens is optimized to minimize noise during video capture - not important for me, but crucial for those who shoot a lot of video.


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