
Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Lumix 14mm User's Results

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Poster kevinparis on posted some results of a walk in Venice Beach, California with his new Lumix 14mm f2.5 lens. It seems that Kevin shoots a Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH2 body.

(Click Here) to read the original post. Be sure to click through to the flickr set. It's got 17 more images to see.

He comments that he wasn't sure how this lens would work out for him. I can see that he's going to have some fun with this lens.

I really like the little 14mm f2.5. It is so small, carrying it along is basically like putting an extra filter or two in your bag. I thnk f2.5 is fast enough to be very useful, even for those tight interior space shots. It's a great companion to the 20mm f1.7 for an incredibly small 2-lens kit (especially with a DMC-GF1 or GX1 body). Unfortunately, since I always like a little more reach in my bag, I usually can't get by with just those two lenses. I carry the Pana-Leica 45mm f2.8 Macro-Elmarit, but if I really wanted to slim down my 3-lens kit, I would get the highly-celebrated Olympus 45mm f1.8. Those three lenses (Lumix 14, Lumix 20, and Olympus 45) would make quite the tiny, useful setup.

Anyway, my close friend James has just ordered his 14mm f2.5. I can't wait to see his results!


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