
Sunday, September 16, 2012

And Here's Something Good! Donate $25 and Give Someone Fresh Water For LIFE!

Here's something amazing. is a charitable organization that provides safe drinking water to people who don't have it.

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Here's the amazing part - for a single one-time donation of $25, you can give someone water for LIFE! is a well-established organization. I was introduced to them through a business associate, whose company gives to them on a regular basis. You can check their home page for more information.
I'm running a fundraiser as part of a program that is currently promoting. I am striving to get ten donations in ten days, at $25 each. This simple effort with guarantee ten people water for life. I'm currently up to three donations (two from within my home).
There is a drawing associated with the program. The winner will get to go to Haiti to see's work first-hand. That will be an exciting yet emotionally challenging trip for the winner, in my opinion. I'd love to win, and photograph the good we're doing. However, I'm only doing this fundraiser to help people. I don't expect to gain anything personally from it.
So, if you can afford $25 to really help someone in need, please:
(Click Here) to go to my fundraiser page, and give someone water for the rest of their life!

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