
Friday, November 2, 2012

My New Zeiss Sonnar 50cm f1.5 - A Highly Debated Lens

Brave New World, by Reed A. George
Zeiss ZM Limited Edition Camera, Zeiss Sonnar C 50mm f1.5 Lens
iso 200 color print film, f2.8, speed unrecorded
I traded my Leica M8 for a like-new Zeiss ZM (Limited Edition) film body and Zeiss Sonnar 50mm f1.5 lens. The Sonnar is loved and hated, in equal strength, amongst photographers. I've written before about this lens, and how it's a modern implementation (latest lens coatings, materials, manufacturing) of a historic lens design. People who like to measure lens performance are not impressed. Many people who like to take pictures are impressed. Very impressed.
This is an example from the first roll of film I shot with this combination. I love the way it images. The color it provides is quite nice, but I think this is going to be a black and white lens for me. I can't wait to try some street photography with it.
I'm also looking forward to using the Sonnar on my M9.


  1. Can't stay away from film, eh? That's a great shot of Christine. Pleasingly mellow bokeh. The lens is M-mount, correct? You'll enjoy this 'kit' more than you would have the money from a sale. Enjoy it.

  2. Hi James - Yes, it's M-mount. I plan to spend a lot more time with this lens, probably mostly on the M9. And yes, I will use this and enjoy it more than the money. I just have to make sure to use it.


  3. I have the russian copy of the pre-war Sonnar (a Jupiter-8 KMZ lens). I was very lucky to find an excellent one mounted on a Zorki 4 rangefinder camera, I'm also using it on my Panasonic G3 via an adapter, and I'm enjoying immensely its "character" (I have a little gallery of test shots here:

  4. Hi Andrea,

    Yes, those shots really show the performance of that lens. The great thing with M43 is you don't have to worry about focus shift - you see that it's in focus on the EVF.

    Very nice!

