
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Low Tech Wonders - Polaroid Is Back!

My parents recently sent me an old Polaroid 103 camera. Mom found it in an antique store and gave me a call. I quickly looked up the model (103), and found a post about how to convert it to modern batteries. For ~$25, I said yeah, send it on over!
(Click Here) to read how to do that.
In my case, I decided to use a mini battery box from Radio Shack, which uses two AAA batteries. It (barely) fits inside the old battery compartment.
Next challenge - film. Not really a challenge at all. It turns out that Fuji still sells pack film, and at a very reasonable price (~$1 per shot). I bought a pack of iso3000 (!) black and white film on Amazon and gave it a try. Wow! It works!
Here's my camera:
My Polaroid 103, by Reed A. George
I find that my Polaroid underexposes in general, so I've put a filter over the "electronic eye," which is the light meter sensor (that little circle next to the taking lens in the picture above). This allows me to get within the exposure adjustment range, though I still have it pegged at "Lighter."
It is great fun to pull out the film after exposing, count 20 or 25 seconds, and rip it open! Even my daughter, born well into the digital age, thinks it's pretty cool.
I've scanned a few images on my Epson scanner, but not with good results. I tried it quickly, and need to spend more time. I found that it showed every little piece of dust in a bad way. I'm sure I can perfect my technique.
I also bought a pack of iso100 color film. I'll wait until spring to give that a try.
In the meantime, here's a gorgeous Polaroid shot by photographer Konstantin Mihov:
(Click Here) to go to Konstantin's blog.
I'm looking forward to some low tech photography with this beautiful old camera!
Dig out your old Polaroid camera (I'm sure someone in your family has one). And buy your film through my link to Amazon below!

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