
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Changing My Micro 4/3 Kit - A New Type of Bottom-Feeding

Old Technology (?) - the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX1
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If you've followed my blog for very long, you'll know that I am a frequent user of Micro 4/3 equipment, specifically Panasonic Lumix cameras. My standard kit for the past year or so has been two DMC-G3 bodies, a great collection of mostly Lumix prime lenses (plus one Olympus lens, the spectacular 75mm f1.8), and a couple of zooms (Lumix 14-140mm and 100-300mm). I have enjoyed the convenience of having two identical camera bodies, small enough to carry together without any back pains, and allowing me to minimize lens swaps.
Well, I am in the process of making a change. While I have been watching new cameras come out, I haven't sprung for the latest and greatest. That's where the bottom-feeding comes in.
Bottom-feeding in camera gear usually means buying very inexpensive equipment, typically used. I'm doing my own type of bottom-feeding, taking advantage of the amazing price drops that come along for cameras that are, or are near to being, one generation back.
As you probably have read, I recently bought a Lumix DMC-LX7 compact camera brand new for less than $300. Amazing. This camera is so powerful it is the bargain of the year, in my opinion. In fact, it is so good I wrote an eBook about how I set it up for my uses.
(Click Here) or use the Amazon link below to get my LX-7 eBook.
Well, when I got the LX-7, I also bought the accessory live viewfinder, the Panasonic DMW-LVF2. This is where Micro 4/3 comes in. The LVF2 also fits the Lumix DMC-GX1, cousin to my G3s, with the same sensor, but in a more compact body, without an integral finder. The GX1 has a few features that the G3 does not, but it's the form factor that interests me most. It is very reminiscent of a rangefinder (though it's not), and extremely similar to the older DMC-GF1, a camera that I really enjoyed in its time. So, of course, I began looking at the GX1.
I know, if I'm going to upgrade, why not to the latest sensor technology, either the Lumix DMC-GH3, or maybe even an Olympus OM-D? Two reasons:
  1. The GX1, a camera that sold for $699 a year ago, is now available brand new on Amazon for $275! Can't touch an OM-D or GH3 for that price!
  2. Amazon will give me over $250 buy-back value for my G3!
Additionally, I don't like the large size of the GH3. Small size is why I got into Micro 4/3 in the first place.
Sure, I had to include my completely unused 14-42 mm kit lens to get the full buy-back value of the G3, and the new GX1 is body only. No problem.
So, for essentially no cost (even shipping for both cameras is free), I get to trade in a one year old (still in mint condition) G3 and kit lens for a brand new GX1 body. Since I already have the LVF2 finder, this is a no-brainer for me.
So, I'll let you know how this works out for me. Not having identical bodies may have some drawbacks. I think I will probably use the GX1 with my smaller lenses, like the 20mm f1.7 and 14mm f 2.5. I expect the small size of the GX1 to appeal to me, even though the LVF2 does take away from that characteristic.
I am not yet ready to invest in the latest sensor technology, even though I know the benefits are large. Maybe the GX2, if it ever gets announced (and especially if it also uses the same lvf2 finder) will change that.


  1. That's a good plan for the GX1. I've been enjoying my Lumix GF1 with 20mm/1.7 lens and an Olympus VF-1 optical viewfinder. The VF-1 gives a 4/3 image and the brightline (designed for a 17mm lens) is an excellent fit for the 20mm; and, the full VF image outside the brightline is a decent match for the Lumix 14mm lens. You might consider one of these. How does the LVF2 compare with the finder on the G3?

  2. Hi James,

    The LVF2 is great. I think it is roughly equivalent in quality to the built-in finder of the G3. I think the GX1 and LX7 with LVF2 will make a great pair.

