
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dodge and Burn Presents Their Newest Camera T-Shirt - The Graflex Speed Graphic With Aero-Ektar Lens!

The Newest Dodge and Burn Shirt - Speed Graphic With Aero-Ektar!
Image Source:
I've written about Dodge and Burn before. They make the coolest t-shirts with classic camera designs. (Click Here) to go to their home page and see all of their designs.
(Click Here) to read my previous post.
I want you to know that I'm not financially connected with them in any way; I simply love their products. In fact, I now have three - the Street Shooter, the Rangefinder Classic, and now, the MAPC (Modified Aerial Press Camera) shown above.
The Aero Ektar is a 178mm lens with fast f2.5 aperture. It was built for the US military to use for aerial photography.
The Graflex Speed Graphic needs little introduction. It was the most popular press camera (4x5 film) for many, many years.
A quick google search for either the camera or lens will yield more information than you can consume.
(Click Here) for a single page with lots of good information.
One more plug for Dodge and Burn - I had a minor flaw with one of my shirts. They took care of it immediately and efficiently. Their customer service is exactly as it should be - customer-focused. Thanks, Dodge and Burn!

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