
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm A Panasonic Early Adopter! This Means I Get My Hands On A DMC-TS5 Soon!

I recently applied for the Panasonic Early Adopter program through their Facebook page, and was selected! I get to test the new waterproof, shockproof, GPS and wifi-enabled DMC-TS5! I will write up a report for Panasonic and give feedback on the product - right up my alley!
Panasonic DMC-TS5
Image Source:
I have an earlier version of this camera, the DMC-TS3, which I bought about a year ago. I've taken care of the camera, but never worried about getting it wet, even taking it underwater, out in the sand, etc. I've always been pleased with the images it produces.
(Click Here) to see a post of images from the TS3. If you search my blog for "DMC-TS3," you'll see more.
I have stated in the past that I'm not affiliated with or compensated by any camera company. While I'm really pleased to get my hands on the DMC-TS5, I'll refer directly to an excerpt from Panasonic's Terms and Conditions regarding my affiliation (or lack thereof) with the company:
"Panelists acknowledge that they will not be compensated or otherwise personally enriched, directly or indirectly, for submitting Content."
So, I promise that I'll remain objective about my comments on any product, Panasonic or otherwise.
I can't wait to try out some of the new features of the TS5, including an app to use my iPhone to remotely trigger the camera. Cool!

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