
Friday, April 19, 2013

Subway Snapshot - Japan

Subway Snapshot, by Reed A. George
I am struggling to get home tonight, returning from the International Leica Society (LHSA) Spring Shoot in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I am also struggling to get a post written today. Working on my iPod, without my normal bluetooth keyboard (due to airplane mode turning off bluetooth), I decided to go through the images stored on my iPad and pick an image I like. Here you see it.
I can't even remember which camera I used for this shot. My guess is it's the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7, but it could have been my Leica M9. I edited it on the iPad, using the photo editing app Snapseed, adding the framing effect and adjusting white balance.
I do know I shot it in the Kyoto subway. I like how both people are using their cell phones, and how the woman at left is looking at me. I can even live with the tilted perspective.
Thanks for hanging in with me on a challenging day for producing my blog post.

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