
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Whole Lotta Leica - Shot From April's Lens, the Collapsible Summicron 5cm f2 - Coffee!

Coffee's Up, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Leica Summicron 5cm f2 Collapsible
iso 640 f4.8, 1/125 sec
April's Whole Lotta Leica lens is the earliest version of Leica's legendary 5cm Summicron.
(Click Here) to read about the lens.
I usually don't shoot with filters on my lenses. Reading about the rarity of an early (radioactive) Summicron collapsible without cleaning marks on the front lens element, I decided I'd better put a filter on mine for protection. I happened to have a nice example of the original Leica filter that fits this lens. It looks to be in fine condition as well, so I put it on. I shot with the Summicron at two different events yesterday, and looking at the images now, I can see internal reflections in many, and loss of contrast in most. Lesson learned. I'll be removing that filter.
The shot above was made without a filter, while my wife and I were in Dayton, Ohio. This coffee shop, Press, is really great. Coffee is made one cup at a time, and is really, really good.
I like the leading line of the counter pointing to the real interest of the shot, the coffee pouring into the cup. I also like the shape formed by the barista's arm and torso.
I am just getting up to speed on my new Nik software suite. I used SilverEfex to do the black and white conversion, and selected the Kodak Tri-X asa 400 treatment. I love that! It really does resemble the results I get with Tri-X film.
So, I'll keep learning - no filters, use SilverEfex, and so on...

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