
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yayoi Okada - Leica D-Lux 6 (Lumix DMC-LX7) Pictures and Words on the Leica Camera Blog

Photographer Yayoi Okada shared a series of images, all monochrome, all shot with the Leica D-Lux 6 camera, on the Leica Camera Blog:
(Click Here) to see Yayoi's post
I still can't really believe just how good the Lumix DMC-LX7 is. The D-Lux 6 is Leica's version of the same camera.
Making Japanese Soba Noodles By Hand, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7
As I write this, I am still in Japan (will be home by the time this posts). Since I'm using my iPad on this trip, I'm merely backing up images, and not yet editing any of them. The shot above is a black and white jpeg from the LX7. This was shot in a relatively dark restaurant, where this master was making soba (buckwheat) noodles by hand. I'm looking forward to working with the raw file when I get home (I'm going to have a lot of raw files to deal with when I get home) to see just what I can do with this image.
I carried my LX7 and Leica M9 to Japan this time. I have enjoyed shooting the M9 here, but I am really wowed by the flexibilty and convenience of the LX7. Camera technology is really improving by leaps and bounds. The f1.4 lens on the LX7 is so useful.
I used my custom preset for street photography to get this shot, even though it was not a street image. I love having presets in the camera to get me as close as possible to what I need on short notice.
Read about how I set my camera up and use it in my eBook, now available on the Amazon Kindle store (purchase for just $2.99, or borrow it for free if you're an Amazon Prime member):

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