
Friday, May 3, 2013

David "Dawg" Grisman and John Sebastian - My Concert Report is Published!

Dawg, by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, Nikkor 180mm f2.8
I have been collaborating with the great live music blog Cosmic Vibes Live for a while now. Recently, Jeff at CVL got me passes to see David Grisman and John Sebastian at the stunningly renovated Howard Theatre in Washington, DC.
(Click Here) to read my show report on CVL, and see lots of my images from the show.
It was great for me to see Grisman, who I've listened to for many years.
In the shot above, I used my Nikkor 180mm f2.8, which is now my favorite long lens for live music shows. Most concert photographers use zooms, like the 70-200mm f2.8. I find that I'm usually at the long end anyway, and the 180mm prime is literally half the weight of the zoom. I bought mine used from KEH. I post-processed this image with Nik's SilverEfexPro2, using the Tri-X emulation settings, which I like very much.
I'm very lucky to have access to such great music, and a nice outlet for my writing. Thanks, CVL!

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