
Friday, May 31, 2013

Found Film! - The Brownie Bullet Yields Six Frames

A while back, I wrote about the Brownie Bullet that I found at an antique store. I converted it to shoot 35mm film, which is kind of cool.
(Click Here) to see the camera and some of my recent 35mm results.
The Bullet was a little challenging to convert for two reasons: 1) a roll of 35mm film doesn't fit inside the body; it has to be removed from the cassette, and 2) it shoots onto a curved film surface, so I had to build my own insert to get the correct film curvature.
But, the real reason I bought the camera was because it had a roll of 127 film still in it. I wanted to see if there were any images that had survived since the Bullet had been put on the shelf at some point in the past.
Well, The Darkroom ( has finished processing my 127 film, and guess what? Six frames came out!
Seems one of its last trips was to the beach.
As far as I can surmise, this little girl is probably about my age (48) or a little older now, assuming all is well and she's still around.
There were also a couple of shots of a house:
I haven't post-processed these scans from The Darkroom, other than to increase contrast a bit. If I zoom way in on the closer shot, I am pretty sure I see a Ford Mustang. That means it was at least 1964 when these images were taken.
I am always surprised at how well a roll of film can survive sitting for forty years or more in a camera. Getting six of the original eight frames was more than I could have wished for.
I have no idea where these were taken. If anyone recognizes the beach or the house, let me know!
Here's a link to a book on Amazon about converting a larger 127 Brownie to 35mm film. I think this one's probably easier than the Bullet:

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