
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Skeletons From The Closet Supplement - Inspiring Blog About Minolta Autocord

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While searching for some inspiration for getting out to shoot my Skeletons From The Closet camera for May, the Minolta Autocord, I came across an interesting blog by Agust Olafsson, specifically focused on using the Autocord.
(Click Here) to see my post introducing my Autocord.
Agust has a couple of interesting features on his blog.
(Click Here) to read about why he's chosen to commit a lot of time to using an Autocord.
Agust has also started a series of interviews with other photographers who use the Minolta Autocord.
(Click Here) to read the Autocord Interviews.
The last interview seems to have been posted back at the end of 2010. I wonder if I can revive Agust's series by offering to do an interview with him once I've produced some nice images with my Autocord? I may just have to give it a try.

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