
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spring is Really Here! Time To Get Back Out in the Field!

Fossil Hunting Crew, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.6 OIS Lens at 25mm
iso 160, f11, 1/160 sec., fill flash on
Cabin fever has finally reached its end. Today (Saturday, April 27, 2013), I had the pleasure of taking my daughter and two of her friends out fossil hunting with PaleoQuest founders Jason Osborne and Aaron Alford, and Science writer Kerry Klein. It was a perfect day to be out at Calvert Cliffs, on the Chesapeake Bay.
PaleoQuest is a non-profit organization, focused on bringing science, particularly Paleontology, into the hands of students.
(Click Here) to check out PaleoQuest's very active approach to improving science education.
I shot this fun little video (click on it) of the kids showing what it's like to find a fossil shark tooth. Really, it just gave them a chance to goof off:
Video by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
Here's an example of one of the fossil shark teeth found on this beach, from the largest shark that ever lived, Carcharocles megalodon:
Megalodon Tooth, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
iso 400, f10, 1/800 sec
These are the cliffs, the source of all of the fossil material that ends up in the Bay and on the beach. This is a beautiful place, and I always enjoy being there.
The Cliffs, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.6 OIS Lens at 19mm
iso 400, f8, 1/160 sec.
Kerry recorded audio and took some photographs of the outing. Hopefully, we'll see and hear more of the trip in one of her upcoming podcasts.
Kerry Recording Audio, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3, Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.6 OIS Lens at 17mm
iso 160, f5.6, 1/1250 sec.
This was a great day. I find it increasingly difficult to find an activity that pleases three twelve year olds; this one did the trick. It was a blast to get out and combine family, friends, science, and photography into a single day!

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