
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Skeletons From The Closet - First Results From The Konica I Rangefinder (July's Camera)

(Click Here) to read about July's SFTC camera, the Konica I 35mm rangefinder from ~1950.
I took the Konica along with me to shoot an outdoor concert on a Saturday evening. An earlier post shared my color images from that evening, taken with the Leica M9 and WLL lens for July - the Summitar 5cm f2 collapsible.
As I mentioned in the SFTC introductory post this month, the Konica still had an unexposed roll of Kodak C41 black and white film in it, which had been in there for years. Well, the film was at least still sensitive to light. Here are some results.
The Hot Seats, Warrenton, VA, by Reed A. George
Konica I Rangefinder Camera
The show started at 7:30PM, as the sun was starting to go down. From a heat standpoint, this was great. From a lighting standpoint, with an f3.5 lens on the Konica, it meant challenge. I did underexpose quite a few shots, but some are okay.
I was crouched down in the front of the audience shooting the band when I looked up and saw these two kids.
Concertgoers, by Reed A. George
Konica I Rangefinder Camera
I think the skinned knee really adds to the picture below. Reminds me of being a rough-and-tumble kid myself.
Skinned Knee, by Reed A. George
Konica I Rangefinder Camera

The Hot Seats, Warrenton, VA, by Reed A. George
Konica I Rangefinder Camera

More to come from the Konica I this month!



  1. Cannot fault either the camera nor the film! The photographer didn't do too bad, either.

  2. Thank you, John! More to come from the Konica!

