
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Scuba Checkout - Landlocked in Virginia

My daughter Christine is getting her dive certification. This weekend was her checkout dive, at an inland quarry in Northern Virginia.
We were lucky to find an incredibly nice dive shop here, Coral Edge Adventures. Not only do they have an amazing selection of gear and lots of good trips planned to other places, the instructors and staff are all real nice people.
(Click Here) to check out Coral Edge Adventures.
I decided to dive with the group today, and carried along my Lumix DMC-TS3 waterproof camera.
Gearing Up
The Descent
The quarry was used to mine stone for the nearby highways. It's nearly 100 feet deep in places. It also has several submerged attractions, including an airplane, bus, and underwater platforms.
Cold Water Entry
Who You Lookin' At?
This dive represented a lot of firsts and mosts for me - first freshwater dive, cloudiest water, coldest water, first dive using a wetsuit. I'm what you call a fair weather diver - going every year or two in an easy, warm, clear water location with a guided boat tour. Today was a little different.
Here's how it looked underwater.
Clearest Water I Saw
My Dive Buddy, Less Than Eight Feet Away
A Little Splash Fight
Leaving The Water
I like this last shot. The water running down the lens makes a cool effect.
So, this wasn't the best dive conditions I've ever experienced, but it was good training. I actually did lose my dive buddy at one point. I'm also really excited about having Christine complete her certification. This is something she'll be able to enjoy for many, many years.

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