
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

SmugMug - New Templates - Maybe Some Good News for a Change

I have a SmugMug page, where I post a lot of my images, and occasionally sell one or two. And I do mean occasionally. No where near enough to cover the costs of the SmugMug site, especially now that they've more than doubled the price.
(Click Here) to see my SmugMug-based site,
I've always felt that the lack of sales was partially due to weak templates from SmugMug. I'm no web programmer, so did not customize. My opinion is that it's tough to even know the images are for sale in the templates.
Image Source:
However, Tyson Robichaud, a photographer that I respect highly, has posted that he has been able to take advantage of new templates posted by SmugMug. Looking it over, I'd say Tyson's site looks great. It still doesn't make how to purchase an image obvious to the casual observer, though.
At least it's motivated me to look through the new templates.

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