
Friday, August 16, 2013

Snapseed - Too Much Fun

Here's a shot I took for work recently:
Unedited Shot
Pretty okay, I guess. Fun to shoot. But then I decided to play around with it in Snapseed. Here's the result:
Edited in Snapseed
I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I think this is really fun.

1 comment:

  1. George, I use Snapseed on my tablet while I'm away from a PC and need to work on an image before uploading it on Flikr, and must say that this prog isn't just for the "Lomo-ization" of shots, but also and mainly to do the basic works of adjusting a miriad of factors (white blance, contrast, sharpness, atmosphere, crop ratio, lightness, etc...).
    I think that, with Rawdroid to import images straight from the camera, is the most useful photo tool for me while on the move. And it is free too!
