
Monday, September 23, 2013

Carl Merkin Writes About Working in the NYC SoHo Leica Store

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Carl Merkin, a name familiar to those of us in the LHSA (International Leica Society) has recently begun working full-time in the new SoHo Leica store. He wrote an interesting story about the experience for the Leica Camera Blog:
(Click Here) to read Mr. Merkin's story.
I enjoy Carl's thoughts about the people he meets in his work there, and the experience of watching a new Leica owner walk out of the store with a smile. I'm a big supporter of the Leica stores, and sure enjoy the one we have here in DC. I'm planning a trip to NYC this fall, and must make time to get to the store. Hopefully, I can arrange to meet up with Carl while I'm there.

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