
Monday, September 2, 2013

Moon Hoon House - A Virtual "Artist Date" Study in Design

I'm pretty disciplined about some things in my life, writing included. I write every day here on my blog. I also write a journal every day. In four years, I have not missed two consecutive days of writing.
Today, I'm just uninspired by photographic equipment and recent images in the sites I follow. I need something different.
So, I decided to take a virtual "Artist Date." One of my inspirations for me beginning the writing life was the excellent book by Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way. The book is really worth reading, but boils down to two areas of focus - "Morning Pages" and "Artist Dates." Morning pages consist of writing three pages in a journal, long-hand (as in with a pen) every morning. Artist dates are roughly one hour diversions, by yourself, to explore something creative that is outside your primary interest area. I have been religious about writing every day, less so about artist dates. So, when I literally couldn't find anything photographic to write about this morning, I decided to do an artist date virtually.
A quick search in Feedsy led me to some design-related sites. Here's the most interesting thing I found - a wild custom home in Korea:
Image Source:
A really cool characteristic is the stairway - open, non-uniform spacing and arrangement, it's one of the "playful architecture" features of the house.
Image Source:
I could live in a place like this. Weird, but certainly not dull.
(Click Here) to read more about the house.
I'm sure you didn't come to my blog this morning to read about a custom house in Korea. Sometimes I have to go off a little, just to keep my own interest up. Design is a great subject to study, to keep things churning in your creative mind. When you think of a house, you probably think of the square with a triangular roof on top, like you draw as a child. This house design challenges that, making it something to explore. It is also a little disorienting, giving a feeling of instability. Instability can be good.
Thanks for taking a look. Try Julia Cameron's book (Amazon link below). It may stimulate you to think a little differently.

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