
Saturday, November 30, 2013

150 Years Ago - Civil War Tragedy by Evan Leavitt

Korona Home Portrait Camera 8x10 Paper Negative
"I hope we will never have to shoot at such men again..."
Image Source:

I have been watching and enjoying a series of images that Evan Leavitt is making with a large (very large, 8x10) format camera and paper negatives for a while.

(Click Here) to go to Evan's website, Evan Leavitt Photography.

The image above was taken at Griswoldville, Georgia, the scene of a horrific battle between untrained rebel soldiers (old men and boys under the age of fifteen) and a far superior union force. But, I'll leave the store to Evan, he tells it in much greater detail.

(Click Here) to go directly to the Civil War story about Griswoldville on Evan's site.

This happened almost 150 years ago to the day. The place is relatively forgotten today. Evan's image gives me a feel for the forlorn location with a painful history.


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