
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Adam Garelick's New York Street Portraits

I am on the bus ride home from NYC. The on-bus network connectivity is a little spotty, but I'll do my best.
Yesterday was Saturday, my free day to wander around and photograph the City. I started out the day with a quick breakfast at Bread and Butter, an amazing market with fresh food and drinks. Just a block from my hotel, I visited the store several times over the past week. Waiting in line for my breakfast, I looked over and noticed a guy carrying a Leica. Conversation ensued, and I found that Adam was also an M9 shooter like me, his being a silver model. Adam Garelick is his full name, and he's got a nice blog and project going on - street portraits of people he meets in NYC.
Here's an example of Adam's work:
Kyle, by Adam Garelick
Image Source:
Adam has decided that the best way to describe what he loves about the City is to show the people he meets there. It's an intriguing project, and one that I'll continue to watch.
(Click Here) to see more of Adam's work on the project.

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