
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quick Post from the Bay Area - Tesla Motors Test Drive!

Tesla Model S, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Zeiss 25mm f2.8 Lens
I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area today, visiting friends and attending the LHSA (International Leica Society) annual meeting. I've been running myself silly this week, shuttling between the East Bay and San Francisco; I'll cross the Golden Gate four times today in addition to the cross-bay BART run.
Anyway, I did get some time with my friends. One example was going to test drive the awesome electric Model S automobile from Tesla Motors. What a phenomenal machine! As fast as any gasoline-powered car I've ever driven (with maybe the exception of my uncle's '65 Corvette with a 427), this is one luxury sports car.
The best thing? No gas station required.
Tesla Model S, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Zeiss 25mm f2.8 Lens
Our Test Car, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Zeiss 25mm f2.8 Lens
The price is hard to swallow. But, you really seem to get a lot for your money. At a minimum of about $70,000, Tesla guarantees they'll buy the car back at 36 months for around 50% of the initial price. A nice bottom line assurance. Not exactly a sports car, or a luxury car, the Model S seems to strike a reasonable balance. While it's pretty large overall, the performance and interior feel certainly tip more towards sports car. And, what other car has a 17" Apple-style display and operating software built like Google? No other car, that's the answer.
So, if you have the funds, I suggest giving the Model S a test drive. I won't be buying one soon, but I won't complain if my friend does!
Oh, yeah. The Zeiss 25mm Biogon was the perfect lens for shooting in the showroom with the M9. I did forget to inform the M9 that I'd changed to a wide angle lens, so there is more vignetting than I'd like. These are jpegs straight out of the camera.

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