
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Whole Lotta Leica - Summicron 50mm Version 3 at Point Reyes

I'm traveling as I write this, currently in San Francisco for the annual meeting of the LHSA (International Leica Society). I had the opportunity to meet up with LHSA members Gary Hough and Andy Godlewski the day before the meeting started for a hike and some photography at Point Reyes, about an hour north of the city. Point Reyes is one of my very favorite places.
I have several images from the day that I'm looking forward to seeing in more detail, on a screen larger than my iPad. In the meantime, here's a single image from the historic Pierce Point Ranch. I shot this with the Summicron on my M9, and edited it in Snapseed on the iPad.
Pierce Point Ranch, Point Reyes, California, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 v. 3 lens
I find it most difficult to keep up with my writing when traveling. This is where the strategy of writing several posts in advance really works.
Now I'm off to the city (San Francisco) to meet up with more friends, shoot, and join a Chinatown photo walk with the LHSA this evening. Great fun.

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