
Saturday, December 14, 2013

An Evening at The Morgan

While I was on a business trip in New York City last November, I decided to get out on Friday night on my own. Looking for a little culture, but certainly not up for a nightclub or anything extravagant, I did a quick search online for things happening around town. Of course, there were a million things going on in the City on a Friday night, but I chose to have a quiet evening at the Pierpont Morgan Library, where they showed a double feature of Edgar Allan Poe films - "House of Usher" and "Murder in the Rue Morgues."
(Click Here) to read about The Morgan library and the Poe program.
As I headed out for the evening, I locked my digital cameras in the hotel safe and grabbed my Leica IIIC, along with the fast Canon LTM 50mm f1.5 lens, which happened also to be my Whole Lotta Leica lens selection for November.
As we sat down for the first movie, I noticed this lady's fur hat, and had to get a shot before the lights went down.
Hat, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIC, Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM Lens, TMax 400 film
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Vincent Price terrorize his sister's young suitor in "House of Usher," but decided not to stay for the second film. Walking out of the theater, I noticed music coming from the library lobby.
Lobby, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIC, Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM Lens, TMax 400 film
I went back to the Morgan's website, but failed to find any information on the guitar duo shown below. I caught just the final minutes of their performance.
Guitar Performance, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIC, Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM Lens, TMax 400 film

Following is the only creative shot I made that evening, looking over the shoulder of an artist in the audience who was sketching the performers. I love the elements of the hat and glasses on the table.
Sketching, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIC, Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM Lens, TMax 400 film
I really enjoy the fact that NYC offers truly something for everyone. Knowing that I wanted to get out and experience something in the City that night, I was a little apprehensive about finding something I'd really enjoy. I even considered just hanging out in my room for the evening, as I knew I'd be walking all over the City the next day, which I did. I really liked the fact that I could get out, see some people, soak in a little culture, without having to do much or stay out late. Quite a nice evening overall.
The IIIC continues to do an admirable job for me. It's a great little camera to throw over my shoulder and walk around, and with 400 speed film and a fast f1.4 lens like the Canon 50mm LTM, I can even use it reasonably well at night.

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