
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Another Set of Pics From November's SFTC Camera - Ricoh 500G 35mm Rangefinder

We're well into December, and the final month of Skeletons From The Closet (SFTC), a series I ran throughout 2014 where I take out and shoot a different old camera from my collection each month. I will be posting the December camera selection soon.
November's SFTC camera was the Ricoh 500G. (Click Here) to read my introductory post on the the camera. And (Click Here) to see the first set of results, some street photographs from NYC.
And now for some very different results - not from the city but from a hike in the Virginia hills. These were all shot on a single hike, using iso 400 print film.
The place I hiked, Beverley Mill, has a couple of old rural cemeteries on its trails. I found this one (Dawson cemetery) on this, my first hike in the area:
It's crazy how the tree grew around the single headstone. It's a pretty lonely place.
I love the light on the tree in this shot below:
The little Ricoh 500G rangefinder makes a very good hiking camera. It's tiny, and produces decent images. No frills, but it is easy to throw in a backpack, and is extremely light weight.
I hope you've enjoyed SFTC and the results from this unsuspecting little camera.

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