
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winter Doldrums? December is Here.

Sunsets on the Month of November, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX7, Pana-Leica Summilux 25mm f1.4 Lens
iso 200, f8, 1/50 sec.

As I write this, it's Sunday morning, December 1, 2013 (I usually write posts several days ahead). Amazing how fast this year has gone; it seems like yesterday we were in January.
Yesterday, I went to visit a friend in Warrenton, Virginia, and captured the shot above, the final sunset of November, with my new Lumix GX7 and 25mm Summilux.
Oh yeah, while I was out, I got to handle the new Nikon Df at McClanahan's Camera in Warrenton. It's really, really attractive.
(Click Here) to got to McClanahan's. Mr. M. has a Df waiting for your purchase; I;m sure he'll be happy to ship it to you.
Winter makes it harder to find interesting subjects to photograph, especially outdoors. This just means that I need to focus my lens and efforts elsewhere. People are still interesting in winter, right? And, it's a chance to focus on cleaning up all of the image files I shot all year round, organize my folders for next year, and maybe even do some post-processing and printing.
Last of the Leaves, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX7, Lumix 100-300mm f4-5.6 OIS Lens at 280mm
iso 400, f5.6, 1/400 sec.
If you know me at all, you know that organizing files isn't what turns me on about photography. No, it really is December 1, and that means it's time to select my final lens for my monthly series Whole Lotta Leica (that series will end after this month), and pull a neglected camera out of the closet for my Skeletons From The Closet series. The future of SFTC is uncertain at the moment, but I'm thinking of focusing on a few of my favorite cameras next year, for longer than a month. I may even do multiple cameras at the same time. We'll see.
So, time to start thinking about some new projects, and continue on some current ones. I'm sure I'll find some good live music being played in the local venues even as it snows outside, for example.

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