
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

DIYPhotography Shows Great Photo Setups With Granite Tile

Still in the process of trying to recover my hard drive after the failed "within Lightroom" transfer process, I'm having to resort to cross-posting a little more than normal. No to worry, I'll be back post some of my own work very soon.
(Click Here) to read what happened to me in my file-transfer nightmare; maybe it'll help you avoid the same issues.
I saw a great post on DIYPhotography today, about how to use a granite tile as a base for cool product-style photography. Here's the shot that caught my eye:

Image Source:
(Click Here) to read the full post on
There are lots of good examples in this post, including how to integrate light painting with this style of shooting. Not exactly what you'd want to use for selling products on ebay, but certainly cool. There's another image of a Rolleiflex that I really love.
So, if you're bored on a cold winter day, there are certainly some ideas at the link above for you to play around with.

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