
Saturday, January 18, 2014

I Think Micro 4/3 is at a Tipping Point... Could Go Either Way

This is the beginning of my third year of hosting this blog. My first year was largely focused on Micro 4/3 equipment, and I shot an awful lot with a pair of Panasonic DMC-G3s. The second year saw a lot more use of film cameras with special emphasis on Leica, largely in response to my significant (for me) investment in a Leica M9 body. During that time, I replaced my G3s with a Lumix GX1 (which I picked up for an unbelievable low price during one of Amazon's discount periods), and in late 2013 I purchased the new DMC-GX7.
I haven't really given it a chance, but I have yet to fall in love with the GX7. I sincerely love the form factor of the Micro 4/3 equipment, but still realize a compromise in image quality as compared to my full frame cameras such as the Nikon D700 and Leica M9. It's not all as black and white as that in comparison to the M9. In fact, I think my GX7 does better at iso 1600 than the M9 in terms of noise. But, at no iso does the GX7 make an overall nicer image. The M9 is just somehow special in my opinion.
I think I entered the Micro 4/3 world hoping that I was betting on the sweet spot of sensor size versus overall package size, that the sensors would improve to the point that I could get everything I wanted out of the incredibly compact cameras. And improve it has. But, I think the latest generation is truly an incremental improvement (I don't feel that the GX7 is that much better than the GX1). The G3 was miles better than the G1. I hope this isn't an indication of a slowdown in the technology improvement for these sensors.
I'm not ready to get out of Micro 4/3, but it's not going to displace many other cameras, either.
Anyway, as I was browsing the web this morning, I saw these two adjacent posts, which I think sum up the current situation very well:
I'm interested in what others think about this. I feel that Micro 4/3 is still very promising. But, it's a tough competitive world out there.

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