
Monday, January 13, 2014

Local Music Scene Continues to Evolve

As you probably know, I am a big live music fan. When I was a kid, it was "the bigger the better," at least up to the point of a stadium show, where you may as well go see the performers in a movie. Now, I prefer intimate settings, and even performers that I have the benefit of knowing. Lucky for me, there's an unusual concentration of musical talent where I live here in Northern Virginia.
Last year brought some changes to the musical world I follow. Some very positive, some will take time to work out. Positive - The Woodshedders, who you'll find pictures of here on my blog, put out an incredibly creative album. The Plank Stompers are alive and well. Otherwise? Well, one of my favorites, Acoustic Burgoo, is on hiatus with Ben now living in New Orleans and Melissa in a new project (Mink) and traveling a lot as well. Both are doing well, but it's changed our local music quite a lot. Along the same lines, Timmy, Josh, and Jack, of Jake and the Burtones, have also all moved off to continue their trajectories. But, Jake and the Burtones not only continues, it's thriving. I got to see them a few weeks ago - lots of new music in their set list and new people on stage, amongst two of the three originals (Timmy was in Malta).
Here are some shots from the show:
Jake and the Burtones, by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, Nikkor 20mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, and 85mm f1.8 AF Lenses
The D700 is such an amazing camera. Most of these were shot at iso 6400, and stand up quite well. I know, the D4/Df is even better, but I'm pleased. I did use bounced flash as well - the light was pretty low. I am finding that the 20mm f2.8, which I've had for a long time but used relatively little, is spectacular for capturing the whole band at once in a very tight performance space. This show was in the White Palace, a restaurant here in Purcellville, Virginia.
So, we're all watching the changes, seeing some of our established favorites, some new arrangements, and sometimes a combination of the two. Music is an enriching part of life, and it's always better live, if you ask me.

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