
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So What Do You Think of the Retro Styled Cameras? Canon Says No.

Photo of the Nikon Df and legacy non-AI NIKKOR lenses
The Nikon Df
Image Source:
Personally, I really like the styling of some of today's cameras, specifically some of those that harken back to cameras I knew or used when I was younger. No, I don't carry a pocket watch or hand-drawn maps. But I do still carry a Nikon F2 pretty often. So, the Df definitely appeals.
My new Lumix DMC-GX7 makes me wish it was more "retro" styled, something like the Olympus OM-D. Fuji's designs are distinctly retro and cool.
Apparently, Canon will not pursue this line of design, according to a post on the SLR Lounge.
(Click Here) to see the quote from a Canon representative.
Now this doesn't bother me much, as the only Canon gear I own really is retro. I have a Canon 50mm f1.4 Leica Thread Mount (LTM) lens that truly lives up to its nickname, the Japanese Summilux. I also have a Canon 135mm f3.5 LTM lens that is amazingly sharp and nice. Oh yeah, I also have a fixed lens 35mm rangefinder, the Canon QL17, with f1.7 lens. I haven't had that out in a while. Hmm. Maybe that's how I'll enjoy some retro Canon. I wouldn't be likely to buy a new Canon anyway, even if it was retro styled.
Now the Nikon Df is another story. Still attracted to that one.

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