
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Some Questions Are Forever - Like the Best "Walkaround" Lens

Nikko, Japan, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1, Lumix 14-140mm f4-5.8 Lens at 140mm
iso 400, f5.8, 1/400 sec.
I read an interesting entry on The Online Darkroom blog, whose motto is "Keeping alive the black arts of analogue photography." The post is about how younger photographers coming up in the digital age but now exploring film photography probably don't have access to the "Frame of Reference" that we older folk picked up from the photography magazines of the past.
(Click Here) to read the post.
The blog's approach, which I like, is to post scans of some vintage articles dealing with photographic questions and practices from back in the day. The article included in this particular post deals with the question of what is the best single lens solution for an SLR shooter. I think you'll find the author's response oddly similar to what you'd hear today. It all depends.
I have fallen for the all-in-one lens lore more than once in my past. Actually, that's a little negative. That experience has exposed me to a couple of good (perhaps not great) lenses, like the 18-200mm Nikkor lens (only useful on DX cameras) and the 14-140mm Lumix lens for Micro 4/3. Both of these are capable lenses, but really only in great light. And neither is the sharpest around, either.
So, in general, I carry prime lenses with me, even though that means having to change lenses and carry more weight. On rare occasions when I really want to avoid lens changes or heavy bags (such as shooting my daughter's paintball battles), I still use one of the wide-range zooms.
(Click Here) to see some paintball pics made with the Lumix 14-140.
But, my real point is how some of the interesting questions around photography will likely go on forever. And never have a definitive answer.

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