
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When the Magic Happens - Howard Grill's Sunrise

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This is what I love about photography. You can go to a place many times, but only occasionally do you get to experience the perfect light and color to make a wonderful image.

(Click Here) to read Howard Grill's short story about the image above.

Below is one that I made in Key West several years back, at sunrise. I must admit that I used a blue/gold filter on this shot, one that I picked up in a purchase of several Cokin filters and holders. I haven't really used any of those filters since. I'm just not a filter type of guy. I occasionally use a polarizer, but usually limit myself to a yellow or orange filter for better sky contrast in black and white, and sometimes a neutral density filter to get the exposure I want.

Key West Pilings, by Reed A. George
Nikon D200, Nikkor AF-D 35mm f2 Lens
iso 100, f22, 10 sec.
I guess the filter really helped out in this shot.

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