
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A New Orleans Character

As you may know if you follow my blog, I love to meet and photograph interesting people when I travel. While returning from Audubon Park to the French Quarter on the streetcar in New Orleans, I met Tony:
Tony from New Orleans, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, 50mm Summilux f1.4 Lens
iso 200, f3.4, 1/750 sec.
Tony was dressed especially nicely, and his black hat and white bowtie really stood out. But, what started our conversation was the stack of (very) old books he was carrying. I asked about them, and Tony proceeded to tell me that he is currently writing a play about New Orleans and the Civil War. The books are family heirlooms, and he is using them to guide his research. On this day, he was on his way to see some remaining slave quarters somewhere near the Quarter.
Tony is a very nice guy, and the conversation really added to my travel experience. I only had one opportunity to shoot a couple of pictures of him, but feel that this one came out pretty good. The light was challenging, but I got it right for his skin tone, at the risk of blowing out the background. As it turns out, it's not too badly overexposed, and the streetcar pulling away in the background is perfect for my memory of the experience.

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