
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Burnside Bridge, Antietam National Battlefield, Two Perspectives.

Here's a shot I made of Burnside Bridge, site of a bloody battle at Antietam in the US Civil War. I made this image in 2010.
Burnside Bridge, by Reed A. George
Leica M8, Minolta Rokkor 40mm f2
iso 160, f11, 1/15 sec.
What drew me to this scene was the lighting - a mixture of diffuse shade, hard direct sun, and reflections of such up under the bridge arches.
What got me thinking about Burnside Bridge right now? The image below, by Evan Leavitt:
Image Source:
Evan made this shot with a Graflex Speed Graphic and 4x5 paper negative. Lovely.

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