
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Engineer Prints Arrived - Pretty Impressive!

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a new product from Photojojo - large, low tech monochrome prints. At 3' x 4' in size, these prints are made on lightweight (aka cheap) paper, using large printers designed for engineering drawings.
(Click Here) to read my previous post about Engineer prints.
Well, I ordered two, with very different images, to see if I like the result. Both images were shot with my 4x5 pinhole camera. Here they are:
Trunks, by Reed A. George
Wooden Pinhole Camera (4x5)
Arista EDU iso 400 film
In my opinion, this first image is almost perfect for the engineer print technology. It came out looking really great, and the quirky artifacts of the low tech printing really don't detract from the power of the image. I'm 100% pleased with how this one printed.
Walking Meditation, by Reed A. George
Wooden Pinhole Camera (4x5)
Arista EDU iso 100 film - 90 second exposure
The second image, Walking Meditation, is part of a new project I'm doing. As you can see, it's quite different from my usual work. Not a sharp element in the whole image, it's meant to be much less literal. I wanted this image to give the viewer a feeling, not an answer. The engineer print of this one is a little more difficult to judge. When I first viewed it, I was not pleased with the result, thinking I'd chosen the wrong image to print in this way.
Now that both of these huge prints are pinned to my wall, I'm enjoying both of them quite a lot. I'm thinking that I may make an entire exhibition of engineer prints of pinhole images. That in itself could be a fun project.
So, I consider this little experiment a success.

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