
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Glen Craig's Photos of The Man - Miles Davis

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As you may know, I'm into photographing musicians and creative souls. It brings balance to my life, which is also heavily involved in science and technology. Photography represents the perfect combination of the two perspectives for me.
In a post on the Leica Camera Blog, a full gallery of intimate images by Glen Craig shows a side of jazz master and innovator Miles Davis that I've never seen before. I suppose almost no one has.
(CIick Here) to read the post and see the full gallery of amazing images from 1970.
Craig shares that Davis generally didn't like to be photographed, but made an exception, letting him stay close and photograph him over three weeks in 1970. He also mentions that in order to gain access to the artist in the beginning, he had to pass a test of sorts, made up of questions about jazz music. Craig obviously passed the test.
I like that Craig shot many of the pictures of Davis working out in a boxing gym close up, with a 35mm lens. It gives the images a very intimate feel, one that would not have been accomplished with a long lens.

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