
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

And Now for Something Very Abstract

I have been into meditation for quite a while now. It helps me to keep my mind clear. On a trip to California earlier this year, I visited this labyrinth in an urban garden and did a little walking meditation, camera (Lumix GX7 and 20mm f1.7 lens) in hand.
Berkeley Labyrinth, by Reed A. George
I decided to capture some long exposures of the labyrinth markings as I walked twisting and turning through them. I attached a 3-stop neutral density (ND) filter, and shot several images at 1/4 second and f16.
Then I manipulated the images in Snapseed on my iPad. Here are the results:
Quite abstract, I know. I feel that they do say something about the state of mind I was in during the walk.

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